Oooh I got another award given to me by Olenka and Charlene!! I am very surprised but happy and it means a lot to me. Does this mean I have to nominate 14 blogs??? Well if you are reading this then I nominate YOU because it is so hard to choose. All the blogs are great in different ways.
Okay onto my CDC dilemma. I am stitching this on 32 count mulberry linen using Thread Gatherer's Spring Frocks. I really like the colour and it has been my intention of stitching the actual circles in delica beads. So I finally finished the first page and began to do the delica beads. Small circles in pink and the medium circles in purple. I am really not sure what I think of this and whether it looks right or not. It is quite hard to do the beading on the linen so if it's not going to work, I'd rather cut my losses and frog them now!! What do you think. I can handle honest opinions although I know I'll probably get differing opinions on this. Should I do the actual circles in delica beads or should I do it all in the same thread??

So onto goals seeing as it's the first of the month tomorrow. Here are this months goals and how I have done (fairly well I think):
1. Finish Steph's Pif - done and sent!
2. Finish and send off Summer House Exchange - done, sent and rec'd!
3. Make Biscornu for SBEBB Biscornu exchange - done the stitching just need to make up
4. Make scissor keeper for the MFC - done!
5. Join in the UFO nights on Tuesdays with Polar Santa - did one night!
6. Order some Prairie Schooler charts for the PS exchange - done!
7. Work on "A Most Noble Pursuit" - NOOOOOO but there is always tonight hehe
8. Work on "Patchwork" - no
9. Work on "Cirque de Cirque" - yes!!
10.Start and finish DD design Love for JA MFC - yes made my first floss tag!
11. Work on Loopy Lou "Ruby" design - yes!
As well as this I also made the three teachers' lavender bags and I also started my autumn colours biscornu.
So for August here are my goals:
1. Finish and send off biscornu exchange
2. Work on A Most Noble Pursuit
3. Complete at least one motif on Patchwork
4. Do at least one UFO night on Polar Santa
5. Start Prairie Schooler exchange
6. Do a freebie
7. Start the GoS wallet with the rajmahal art silks I bought
So that is all for this month. Happy stitching. xx