I was recently awarded with some bloggy awards. Thank you so much! It is truly an honour to receive them as you get to thinking that perhaps folks don't really like you or your blog so getting an award or in this case two is even better. I don't really spill the beans much on who I really am - I tend to focus just on the crafty side of things. I am way too afraid of rejection and tend to show more pictures than actual writing. Have you noticed that? Anyway, if you are at all interested in a few silly facts about me then read on.
Way back in May Heather gave me this award:
and more recently, Cuckoo gave me this one:
It takes me forever to respond to awards as I never quite know things to say about myself or really stuff I think I could say but shouldn't. So... with much thought and a brave face, here are a few facts about me.
1. After my incident with Heather last weekend, it really got me thinking that no-one would really recognise me if I walked down the street. Every picture I take of myself is different and weight gains and losses over the years, what with the unavoidable ageing process, shows me in a different light each time I snap. Most pictures of me are pants and not very nice so I tried my best to get a half decent one of me. Here you go:
oh go on then.. a full frontal:
Sheesh I really do look like I am getting old! So now if you do see me walking down the street you have no excuse not to say hello!
2. I have put a serious amount of weight on recently. A few years ago I lost a lot of weight and have put it all back on with more besides so it is a case of getting back on that old waggon again. And staying on! The Old Waggon in this case would be Slimming World - tried and trusted.
3. It seriously annoys me when people hide their loo roll in their house and you can't find it.
4. Although my dh and I are christians, we no longer go to organised churches. We have been too badly hurt and seen too many bad things going on. I do get "fellowship" in other ways though.
5. I'm very forgetful and can never think of the right word to use. The other week I had to ask my DD the word for "sunset". I had completely forgotten it. I am putting this down to tiredness.
6. Linked in with the tiredness is that I seem to suffer from .... thinking of the darn word..... INSOMNIA quite a lot. I have been put on tabs but they don't do much really and I can't take them when DH is away which is a lot. Not stressed about anything too badly - just can't switch off.
7. I have two older sisters and an older brother. My brother is mentally and physically handicapped and I am making him a blanket for his birthday. Pics soon.
8. I am a totally paranoid fruitcake and think that everyone hates me! Like I said, paranoid fruitcake. I am trying to get over this low self esteem thing by chanting, "I am unique, I am special, there's no one like me!". Not sure if it's working yet or not.
9. I have never been on an abroad beachy holiday. I have been to beachy places in this country but never abroad. I have been to Germany and Paris. I am not so great with heat and so laying in the heat for hours on end does NOT appeal to me. Geeps, this last few days in the UK have been bad enough for me. I am sure I should have been born in Finland.
10. I intensely dislike bloggers who never EVER comment on your blog even though you have probably written a hundred comments on their blogs. Yeah I know, we are all Blogging Without Obligation but just one comment! Come on.
Okay well, that's ten and that's enough. I will prob find half my followers gone by the morning now. I pass this on to all the blogs I follow cos you're all brilliant - you can see them in my profile. I think there are about 300 of them. So feel free to take the awards and use them.
Think I need a drink now. My nerves are shot.