I don't like moaning in general, it's so miserable for the recipient to have to sit and listen to it but it's my blog and my place to moan right?? It's Easter hols here in the UK and that means two weeks off for the kids at school. So what do I find at the start of the week but red, nasty, poxy sores over my baby boy. Over his bottom, his tummy, his back, his face, his head. Pretty much everywhere. He isn't "covered" in spots but they are everywhere if you know what I mean. So.... chicken pox. We can't go out with him as it's at the contagious stage. DH has been going up and down the country every day so I can't get out and poor Lils can't do much but entertain herself in the house either. What a miserable holiday! My only hope is that he will be fine by next week and Lily doesn't catch it. I don't know if she has had it before. I remember her getting a few poxy looking spots on her ankle but it didn't spread but she has never caught it from contagious peeps since then so I am hoping she will be okay. So I am holding out for next week. I just feel so housebound and bored and miserable.
Anyhow, I have managed to work on my BP this month and have completed three more motifs. My aim is to do ten motifs every three months and that way I will have it finished by the end of the year which will be nice. I am so far on target! Without further ado...

I have also stitched something for the birthday exchange. I had chosen something but then I changed my mind about it so I hope the recipient likes what I have stitched. I would show it as I don't think the recipient is a blog reader of mine but you can never be too sure can you and also I haven't "finished" it yet. So it may be a while before I can show this one.
So I can now work on something else so I guess it will be th enext ornie for the christmas ornie challenge. I am doing the Cranberry Christmas ornies from PS and I am not "finishing"them till I have stitched them all which in my opinion, looks a bit crap as I post up my pics. But Hey, they'll look good when they are all finished nicely and in the same way. I also need to start my next pif. Unfortunately for my recipients I am doing the same designs so I can't show them till I have stitched them all otherwise the surpise element will be lost.
Okay just a last pic to cheer me up, my lovely children just before I fount the dratted spots! Elijah with his first whole apple ;-)

Have a blessed Easter and don't eat too many eggs!