As I was browsing through some of my older posts, I came across this one from 2012 which details the charts I chose for the Crazy 7 challenge. Now for those that don't know, there was a challenge going around to start a new cross stitch project for each and every day in January - that's 31 new starts- with the aim of finishing them within the year. There was absolutely no way I could have met this challenge so I came up with the idea of a Crazy 7 challenge, just having 7 new starts in the first week of January. Out of those 7 I began in 2012, I actually completed 4 of them. 3 are still ongoing but I still think it is progress.
So I am thinking I might do the Crazy 7 again next year........
I have had a look through my stash and these are the first 6 I am going to start. I still need to think about a 7th one and also I need to make sure I am all kitted up for starting.
1. Ink Circles "Quackworth"

I am going with the grey fabric and pastel colours.
2. Blackbird Designs "Their Song"

3.The Drawn Thread "Morning Glory"

4. The Sampler Girl "The Moon Shell"

5. Mill Hill "Joy to the World"
6. Kathy Barrick "Heaven and Nature Sing"

I need the fabric and threads for this one and I am thinking Polstitches Victorian or Egyptian or Heirloom. What would be your vote?
7. Yet to be decided.....
So will anyone join me? No real rules. Just have and enjoy 7 new starts and try and finish them within the year but it doesn't matter if you don't! And yes, you can have other starts in the year. Anyone?? Anyone???
some pretty patterns you have picked out. Merry Christmas
Your second pattern made me smile - a neighbour at our old house chopped down his cherry tree because it annoyed him when the blackbirds ate all the fruit before he could get to it! Your patterns are all beautiful - you're in for a busy 2016! Merry Christmas. xx
I am a bit scaredy of committing publicly to trying to start and finish 7 in a year although I probably have that many lined up. Merry Christmas sx
2016 is going to be my WIP year so I'll pass this time - but I think 7 is much more manageable than 31 or even 15! I'll be cheering you on with your new starts.
I'm in. I may also choose 7 UFO/WIPs as a second challenge for 2016 :-)
Merry Christmas Hazel! Beautiful projects you have a lined up.
I've very tempted to join you! I haven't stitched in a couple of years... knitting bit me hard, but I'm getting a new Chatelaine in the mail shortly and I'm tempted... so tempted. :)
Lovely choices,looking forward to seeing these being stitched.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas Hazel! All your projects are Beautiful for your challenge.
I will think about this more after I get thru Christmas - lol! Now you know I will be thinking of this all tonight - lol! love Annette
A very Merry Christmas and a happy and creative 2016! Sunny greetings from New Orleans, Alice
I look forward to watching your challenge. I havent' been in a stitching mood recently. Sad, but true. Merry Christmas!
You've picked some great projects! Merry Christmas!
Ohhh, such great choices for your Crazy 7 Challenge, Hazel. After finishing Debbie's Crazy Challenge with 31 starts and finishes this year I think I will pass and not do another challenge next year. Instead I plan on stitching more on my big projects.
You've made some great choices for your 7 starts.
I did the DUCJC last year with 31 different projects stitched in January. Each year I choose a set number of projects according to the year, so this year it is "16 in '16". The focus is on WIPs, particularly from last year's challenge!
Sooooooooo tempting Hazel. I have 14 wips already whats 7 more ha ha, I know I will get some done. I am doing a challenge on FB called WIP/UFO slaying challenge for 2016, why not join in this one too. I have 6 Bewitching pixies plus a couple of others I would love to start. Might have to do a lucky dip xx
I like your challenge better than those really big ones! You got alot done too. I love the new Kathy Barrick piece and have it on order.
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