After a successful Valentine's meal, I decided that it would be good to start doing this more regularly. It is very hard for us to get any time together as dh works very odd hours and I can go days without spending any time with him and when he is around, we are usually both too tired to do anything except sit and slob and watch tv or go on the internet or basically do our own thing. This is great in itself but not so great for our relationship. So I thought, having a nice sit down meal with no distractions - phones off, tv and laptops off - with a bit of focussed time, would do us good. It did!
Nothing too special - effortless meal is key - so I got the £10 meal deal offer on at Tescos which includes a nice bottle of fizzy stuff. It was chicken in a marscapone sauce with red onion and proscuitto. Those nice sliced potatoes in a lovely sauce - forget the name. Veg mix. Candles.
Then I added:

and this:

which made these:

and you know I love these...
So there you go. A good evening. Short post but there to remember the good times.