As you are probably aware, Carriage House Samplings is no more! As from today she will not taking any more orders. In my haste to get some of these lovelies I made a huge booboo and ordered the following charts from two suppliers. I phoned Thread Bear first and they said they would order them in but weren't sure if they could get them in for me and maybe i should look at another supllier. I did that and ordered them from Wyndham in US. Now I forgot to phone Thread bear back and tell them :( . They managed to get the charts and now are worried they will not sell them. So I am giving you the heads up that Thread Bear have the following charts in but you need to be quick as there will be no more after this. Here are the ones I ordered:
Shores of Hawk Run Hollow

Merry Christmas

Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow

2000 Christmas sampler

Thread Bear are very reasonably priced and very friendly to deal with. Anyway if you're interested phone Kate on 020 8657 5050 and mention me - Hazel.
Hey if anyone does get them perhaps we could do a SAL next year???
Thanks peeps. I will be back with a progress post soon. In the meantime I am still waiting for my CHS charts from the US!
Shores of Hawk Run Hollow

Merry Christmas

Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow

2000 Christmas sampler

Thread Bear are very reasonably priced and very friendly to deal with. Anyway if you're interested phone Kate on 020 8657 5050 and mention me - Hazel.
Hey if anyone does get them perhaps we could do a SAL next year???
Thanks peeps. I will be back with a progress post soon. In the meantime I am still waiting for my CHS charts from the US!