I have to say this.... I am struggling to keep up with blog reading. I really don't know how you guys do it. Is it that you all have super duper whizzing computers that never go on the blink and crash in the middle of your programmes? It seems to take me forever to wade through the securities for comments. I am trying - you know I am. I just seem to be losing control. I am following more and more blogs each day which is GREAT as I get more inspired with each new one.
So.... plan is, I will always prioritise adding comments to folks giving me comments. I read all the blog posts in my followers section and try to comment where I can but sometimes I just cannot get time to comment. I keep going on blogs and seeing comments by people who I recall as having visited my blog in the past and I think "Oh I remember her, she did that gorgeous sampler". And so I return there. Blah blah you get the idea. Blogs are morphing into some sort of metaphoric virus - albeit a nice one (for a change). So please please don't be offended if I don't comment or seem to take ages to comment. I'd love to be Superwoman or even Mary Poppins would do but I'm not so bear with me. ;-)
Okay. I have decided that the "finish" I finished I will show you. I have decided on something else for my exchange and not this piece. I just love it too much. It was such a joy to do. Here is "Netherfield Park" by The Sampler Girl.

Stitched on Lilac Cashel Linen given to me by Janet
Threads - DMC
You see I even took time playing around with the fuzzy wuzzy thingy - more time consumed!
The knitting bug has been lurking as well.

Wristwarmers by Sirdar
Yarn - Crofter (knits up like fair isle - amazing)
I just love these and they were so easy to make. Only took a few days. They have a bit more pinky purple in them than the pic shows. My dd wants a pair now.
Lily came down the stairs the other night with a poem she wrote. She likes to write it seems. The first bit didn't relate to the rest of it so I am not including the first bit she wrote. I am also deleting the copious amount of speech marks she put in it but here are the exact words she wrote:
In winter Lea said,
Peace is sliding, riding, full of speed.
And Peace is a seed greedy to grow
As you gather up speed
Lip-reading the winter wind.
WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is 7 years old and she is writing metaphorical poetry. I was stunned. Now, I am aware of the bias involved but come on! This deserves praise indeed. I am needless to say, VERY proud of my little girl.
So there you go. I think that's all for this week folks. Still awaiting some parcels to land at their destinations and holding my breath they will get there in one piece. Have a good week everyone.
So.... plan is, I will always prioritise adding comments to folks giving me comments. I read all the blog posts in my followers section and try to comment where I can but sometimes I just cannot get time to comment. I keep going on blogs and seeing comments by people who I recall as having visited my blog in the past and I think "Oh I remember her, she did that gorgeous sampler". And so I return there. Blah blah you get the idea. Blogs are morphing into some sort of metaphoric virus - albeit a nice one (for a change). So please please don't be offended if I don't comment or seem to take ages to comment. I'd love to be Superwoman or even Mary Poppins would do but I'm not so bear with me. ;-)
Okay. I have decided that the "finish" I finished I will show you. I have decided on something else for my exchange and not this piece. I just love it too much. It was such a joy to do. Here is "Netherfield Park" by The Sampler Girl.

Stitched on Lilac Cashel Linen given to me by Janet
Threads - DMC
You see I even took time playing around with the fuzzy wuzzy thingy - more time consumed!
The knitting bug has been lurking as well.

Wristwarmers by Sirdar
Yarn - Crofter (knits up like fair isle - amazing)
I just love these and they were so easy to make. Only took a few days. They have a bit more pinky purple in them than the pic shows. My dd wants a pair now.
Lily came down the stairs the other night with a poem she wrote. She likes to write it seems. The first bit didn't relate to the rest of it so I am not including the first bit she wrote. I am also deleting the copious amount of speech marks she put in it but here are the exact words she wrote:
In winter Lea said,
Peace is sliding, riding, full of speed.
And Peace is a seed greedy to grow
As you gather up speed
Lip-reading the winter wind.
WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is 7 years old and she is writing metaphorical poetry. I was stunned. Now, I am aware of the bias involved but come on! This deserves praise indeed. I am needless to say, VERY proud of my little girl.
So there you go. I think that's all for this week folks. Still awaiting some parcels to land at their destinations and holding my breath they will get there in one piece. Have a good week everyone.