Here is a picture of my Dreaming Mermaid udate. I've not posted one in a while as she has been a bit slow going. I am going to make her my focus piece as I really need to get going and make some progress on some of my BAPs. This page that I am on is the last full page - the rest are just partial pages so I should be able to get her done if I really work on her.
I have also been working on a gift but can't reveal it yet and I have also had an idea about the chart I'm using which I have pinched from another blog so I will keep you all posted on that one.
Well I am off to my friends for a sleepover this weekend which is very exciting as we haven't done it in years. I'll be taking my stitching and we have both been reading Anna Karenina - she has finished, I nearly so - so I am going to try and get it on DVD so we can watch it together. Have a good stitchy weekend. Thanks for reading - everyone welcome. xx