Sunday, January 19, 2020

Pre 2020 finishes and some WIPs

Hello everyone! I'm trying to keep my promise and blog more often so this is the second post this month. I hope you're all settled into the year and have some nice stitchy projects going on. I thought it might be nice to show you a few of my previous finishes. It has been so long since I have blogged that a lot of my finishes have not had a look in whatsoever. This post is quite picture heavy and yet it doesn't cover a fraction of all my finishes! Maybe there will be more to come in future blog posts. 

Now, anybody who knows me can tell you that my stitchy taste is quite diverse and can range from "cutesy" to repro samplers and anything in between. Hopefully there will be something you like on this post! 

To begin with are a couple of Bothy Designs. The Fox and the Rabbit one. I can't remember the exact names for them... Fox in Foxgloves or something like that. I absolutely adored doing these kits on 14 count printed aida (the mud splashes are the printed bit) and I am currently SALing with someone on the Badger one as well. I highly recommend these kits as the detail is superb.

Just look at his face!!

The other kit was from a Russian designer RTO called Kitten on Books or something original like that! This was my first time ordering and stitching a Russian kit and I was very pleased with the result. It looks exactly like it should and the instructions were clear and easy to follow. I bought this from Elena_stitch on ebay and I thought the service was very good. Highly recommend!

This kitten reminds me so much of my cat Pepper!

Another finish last year was this cute couple. This was a stitching commission from Cross Stitch Gold sold in the UK and I was able to get my stitching back after the pictures for the magazine was taken! Bonus! I have a few other commissions that were sent back to me so I will maybe photograph those for future posts.

Love the little robin detail in this picture!

And the two hares!

This was a quick LHN stitch. I saw my stitching friend Lindsey stitch it up and it looked so lovely. 

And this is another LHN chart that was very quick to stitch up. I am not sure what I am going to do with these "smalls". I do have some gaps on my sampler wall so they may get framed. 

This next finish is Trellis Birds by Plum Street Samplers. I think this might be my only Plum Street finish! I know right? Shameful!The fabric is on Wichelt Star Saphire I think.

I really loved stitching on this one. 

Now this next one is unusual. You know where folks on ebay sell torn out patterns from magazines? I never ever buy them but this one caught my eye and I just really loved it. I'm not even sure why I liked it so much. Maybe the gentle pastels appealed to me or the sentiment? Anyway, I actually bought it. It's not illegal as it wasn't a copy and apparently you can sell cut out patterns from magazines! Who knew? I have to tell you though that I didn't enjoy stitching this. It was very bitty and had some fractionals and lots of silly backstitch but I do like the finished piece. It is very pretty indeed. Again, I am not quite sure what to do with it. It doesn't really go with my sampler wall so hmmm? Any ideas?

This next one is the one I began in my last post and is my first finish of the year! I swapped the called for colours for colours I had in my stash (stitching from stash I am indeed!) and I only needed to buy one skein as I ran out of the thread right at the end. If you are interested in my colour conversion then let me know! It is called Quaker Peace by My Big Toe designs.

Next up is a Lizzie*Kate design I started some time ago. There is a problem in that it is lined up wrong and now I am not sure what to do as I have two other seasons to do on it. I don't think you would be able to tell all that much but even so.... I think it is the square border at the bottom is like one stitch out or something. 

This next one is from the Summer Mystery box from Sparklies. The only thing is, there wasn't enough thread so had to wait for more to come. I stopped it at that point as I knew I had to wait for the thread to be dyed again as Kate supplied her own hand dyed thread. Well, the thread arrived but by that time it had been put to rest for a bit so I really need to get it back out and finish it. It is so pretty in real life. I was also doing this as an SAL with Tina.

And what would a stitchy collection be without an ongoing Mirabilia? I actually have two on the go but I'll save that one for another post. This one is Roses of Provence on Polstitches Earth to Sky fabric. I just love LOVE love this fabric for this design. It is so perfect! This is one I really wanted to finish last year but didn't so this year for sure.

This next one is called Cardinal Points by Long Dog and Gentle Arts. It is very bitty and there are so many colour changes but it is beautiful. 

I didn't think I would be getting any stitching stash for Christmas but my hubby asked Sue (Peakside Needleworks) to make me up a box and this was what was in it! Sue happens to be my neighbour and a dear friend and it was my very self that taught Sue to stitch! Now she has a great online store and superb customer service. Highly recommend.

This brings me to my final wip for today's post! This is Kathy Barrick's Deer Heart. I have been itching to stitch this for years so when I got it for Christmas one year I knew I had to get cracking on it. This is going to be my piece I am working on this next few weeks. Hopefully I will have a finish to share soon.

So that's all from me. It's cold over here in the UK so stay in, stay warm and stay stitching!


  1. So many gorgeous finishes, I think my favourite are the fox and the Mirabilia. I have been looking at lots of these Bothy Thread designs and thinking about buying one to do. With your smaller pieces you could make them into little pillows, I have a large bowl that I fill with smalls and change them around according to the time of year. If you have a larger piece/sampler you could make it into a cushion for your stitching area or even project bag for a wip. x

  2. So many lovely finishes. I really like the fox and the rabbit

  3. Hello Hazel,

    I'm so glad you returned to blogging. Your stitching and choice of patterns is so lovely. I will enjoy your posts very much. The fox and rabbit are so adorable but I'm a huge fan of cardinals so I enjoyed seeing cardinals in alot of your stitches. And both of the LHN stitches are so pretty too. So much eye candy to love. We have a post we do every month called Styling with Stitches and we try to show different ways to use stitches...we have make pinafores for pillows, journals, music boxes, covered boxes, project bags, bulletin boards, wreaths, small quilt hangings, trays etc. Maybe something on this order would work for some of your stitches. Thank you for stopping by to see us. I will add you to our sidebar and follow you too. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  4. Wow, you have a lot of finishes and a whole lot of WIPs. I adore the fox, rabbit and kitten pieces. I have to look into buying some of them. I really like your blog. This is my first visit. I was looking at other posts and your sampler wall is fantastic. Mine are scattered around my home.

  5. Beautiful stitched pieces Hazel! I especially love the Bothy Thread ones and the Cathy Barrick piece.
    It's been very cold here the weekend, there was a bit of frost this morning, but at least the sun is making an appearance now and the day will be a bit brighter than we've been having

  6. All of your stitcheries are so pretty.
    Love all of the animals, such detail, but look so real.

  7. Oh Hazel! It was wonderful seeing what you have been up to with your stitching! My goodness all of those animal ones are adorable! I love the Big Toe one very much!

  8. Hi Hazel, wow! wow! wow! your taste in designs is exquisite as is your stitching. I am so happy to have found your blog and I can't wait to see more of your stitching. hugs, Kaye

  9. Pretty projects! Love the sleeping kitty.

  10. Hazel, what beautiful finishes you shared. I love the animal ones and I am really taken with the Quaker Peace piece. You have some lovely WIPs on the go and I look forward to seeing your progress on them.

  11. Hazel that is some beautiful stitching you have completed! Those Bothy Thread designs look amazing with all that detail. I am looking forward to seeing your progress on your current pieces!

  12. Hello Hazel!
    This is my first time visiting your blog, and I'm so glad that I found it. Your stitching is beautiful, and I love so many of your pieces. You have really inspired me, and I bet you have inspired many others as well. I'm now your newest follower.
    Hope you'll stop in at my blog to say, "Howdy", at

  13. Hazel, Your stitching is amazing!!! I am a huge Nature fan and just love all your animal projects. That foxes face is so perfect!! So many lovely works in progress too!! I'm so impressed with all you accomplish. Mary@stitchingfriendsforever


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