It has been over a year since my last blog post???? Really???? Where has that year gone? Thanks for the people checking in on me. I am still here. Life still goes on. Stitching continues. Work carries on. Kids grow up. Yup all just ticking away. How are you lovelies?
My sampler wall has extended up the stairs now too. Many additions. I have been keeping a list of all my finishes for the last two years and so far I am up to about 25 or something - not bad going. I guess I have just been mad mad busy with work and commissions and I guess I just needed some space to clear my head.
I know a lot of people use fb now but I really hate it and so I do pop on there now and again but I never stay very long.
So, it's just a quickie to say I am still very much alive and stitching and I will update properly soon. Now shall I end with a pic? Here;s my updated sampler wall...
See you soon