Hi all. I haven't found the cable for my phone but I have found another one so all is well and now I can pop my pictures onto the computer at long last.
Well, what a miserable month this has been weather wise. The air in the UK has gone decidedly chilly and downright drizzly to boot. Just the right sort of weather for scarf wearing I figured so off I went and gathered up supplies.
I continued to work on the flower scarf and although it is just long enough to wear, it is not quite long enough for me so I will hold off from posting until I have got that one fully completed.
I did manage this one though:
It's from Nicky Trench's book "Cute and Easy Crochet" and took me about 3 nights to put it together.
I also made up this one:
Now I cannot remember where I got this pattern from so I will let you know as soon as I find it but it was super easy and took me an hour to make. Gorgeous snuggly cowl using a hand dyed yarn I bought from Woolfest a couple of years ago.
Edited to add:
This is the Pavement Infinity Scarf but I only made it short.
I also got those pinky/purpley squares together and made not only one granny cowl but two! I found the inspiration for finishing this from
I can wrap it around me three times!
Here's the other one I made for DD as I had enough squares left. This time in the cream I originally wanted to do. Not as thick as the purple one. Just a simpler design.
I look very tired in these pictures!
Okay onto some stitching if you are still with me! I recently took part in a birthday exchange on the Friends Through Threads blog and I was partnered with
Jill. Here is what I sent her. I made a pincushion with a Blackbird Design from One of their books - again I am so tired I have forgotten and need to check! I looked at her wishlist and got her a few things I thought she would like and fortunately Jill seems very pleased. So Happy Birthday to you Jill for the Big day. xxx
I stuffed it with some walnut shells that Jill had actually given me as part of my birthday gift.
Right, onto something a little bit different then. I decided not too nlong ago that I wanted to stitch a design for Christmas that wasn't too taxing or too ambitious that would be a fun stitch. Tina (no blog) and I decided we would do
The Sampler Girl's Glad Tidings design together as an SAL. Then Tracy agreed to Join in and then my neighbour Sue - a recent convert to the needle also said she would join in too. I have set up a little SAL board over on
Needlecraft Haven - a YUKU board so if anyone wants to stitch this wonderful design then hop over to Tanya's shop and buy it and then come along to
Needlecraft Haven and join in the fun! No rules. No pressure. You know me ;) Just a bit of Christmas fun before the big day. If you need any other info then feel free to email me. Please don't ask me for a copy. The designs are available through
Tanya for, I would say, a very reasonable price. Anyway, you are all very welcome to join in with us. The more the merrier. Here is my before pic:

We are planning to start this very soon - possibly even this weekend so if you want to join in then don't delay!
Right. It is late and I am tired and I have to be up and out early so I will publish this then pop back tomorrow evening to put in all the missing links to people's blogs and patterns etc. Please forgive me for the delay but I will get it sorted for tomorrow.
PS What on earth has happened to Webshots???? Arggghhhhh I could scream!!!