What a week I had last week with the boy child constantly being sick. It seemed to go on forever and I appreciate all your lovely, caring comments, happy thoughts and prayers. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.
It was touch and go on Friday as to whether I would get to go to my stitching weekend thingy as dh started getting very ill as well and I was all anxious about what to do. I felt bad about leaving him to it but in the end I went. Tracy arrived in good time at my house and we had a nice drive down to Nuneaton to the meet up with some girls from Jane's Attic. We got to the hotel which was lovely (and cheap!) and just decided to chill out there for the evening after having had such a long week. We stitched and chatted and ate cake yum!
The following day Lynn (organiser) and Vicky (
India Grace Designs) taught me some hardanger. In particular, I wanted to learn woven bars and dove's eyes and finally after one or two mishaps I got the hang of it. I made this:

Which I then turned into this:


(and yes Chris - if you're reading - this is the fabric you gave me in my goody bag from the March meet up!)
I love it! I am so pleased to have this new stitch added to my bow strings. I have been getting excited looking at all the Victoria Sampler stuff that I might be able to do now and Loopy Lou stuff - I do have one ready to start.
Recently on the JA forum, there has been a lot of discussion about doing a Just Nan SAL. I have never done a JN design but was quite excited at the thought of doing one. Barb gifted me with Snowfire Christmas and even included the fabric and Perle thread! Here's what it looks like - so pretty. Can't wait to get started on it.

And while I have been about it, perusing all the JN band samplers, I came across this one. It's called "Nan's Garden".
I thought I'd stitch it for my mum whose name is Nan and who also has the most incredible garden.
So if anyone is interested in joining this SAL then pop over to Jane's Attic and put your name down!
Just Nan SAL
Oh and I nearly forgot, look at what Tracy brought with her when she came to mine:

I was her Think Pink partner on the Stitcher's Showcase! Isn't it wonderful! The finishing is so neat. Perfect and all by hand too. My exchange is parcelled and ready to send out tomorrow hopefully.
And last but not least, and just to show that I too can knit, a bit, and actually finish things, here's my lovely dd modelling the headband hat and scarf I made her. She is suppposed to wear her hair outside it but she prefers it in. The wool is Softie by Sirdar and the headband hat is a freebie from Ravelry and can be found here.

So that's it from me. I really need to get cracking on some exchanges and get BP finished before the end of the year. Not to mention all the Christmas ornies I wanna make. The new Just Cross Stitch ornie mag is wonderful! Have a lovely, crisp, autumn week! xx