First up is Lisa's pif:

Next is Chris':

Next is Tracy's:

And Cathy, if you're reading then you may have guessed you might be getting something along the same lines but I won't spoil the surprise any more and hang off from posting till you have it ;-).
And the kitten..... hmmmmmm... she is the most adorable little kitten ever! She is liek a playful puppy one minute then a cute cuddly furball the next. We all adore her. Here's a few pics. More to come:

Oh and I'll just fit in this quickie that Dad sent me of I am Half Sick of Shadows:

He's reached the other side! Yay!
Off to see it irl tomorrow as it's my brother's 50th birthday soon - not bad seeing as he was only supposed to live till ten! He is mentally and physically handicapped and I'll see him at mum and dad's tomorrow.
Till next time, happy stitching folks. xx