The lady who I am getting the ragdoll from has kindly sent me a lovely photograph of Misty. Look at those blue eyes!

I am counting down the weeks till we get her.
Now I had a serious stash haul last week from Needle in a Haystack - my long awaited birthday treat. Finally, my package arrived and I wasn't unhappy to find this little lot:

From left to right: Lakeside Linen Vintage light examplar 36 ct, Legacy linen Oaten scone 34 count, then top to bottom : Wichelt 28 ct Buttermilk, 28 ct Twilight Blue, 40ct Sandstone, 32 ct Star Sapphire!!!

And the threads are Threadworks 10051 Wine Castle red, 1048 Green, and Crescent Colours Ye Olde Gold. These are for my "A Quaker Christmas".
I also got this through very quickly from Oz! From that lovely shop called Colours Down Under. I had been struggling to find this chart as I think it is very quickly going to go OOP:

Anagram Diffusions "Sampler 4 Saisons"

I am counting down the weeks till we get her.
Now I had a serious stash haul last week from Needle in a Haystack - my long awaited birthday treat. Finally, my package arrived and I wasn't unhappy to find this little lot:

From left to right: Lakeside Linen Vintage light examplar 36 ct, Legacy linen Oaten scone 34 count, then top to bottom : Wichelt 28 ct Buttermilk, 28 ct Twilight Blue, 40ct Sandstone, 32 ct Star Sapphire!!!

And the threads are Threadworks 10051 Wine Castle red, 1048 Green, and Crescent Colours Ye Olde Gold. These are for my "A Quaker Christmas".
I also got this through very quickly from Oz! From that lovely shop called Colours Down Under. I had been struggling to find this chart as I think it is very quickly going to go OOP:

Anagram Diffusions "Sampler 4 Saisons"
I have stitched all four of my pifs and made up one! Three to do ladies - hang tight. I hope you'll like them. Since I have been busy with the stitching and making up of PIFS, I have left very little time to do my BP but I did manage to squeeze in 2 motifs and a little of a third which means I am still on target for finishing at the end of the year. I love working on this one. I don't know why as the colours are quite plain. Perhaps the fabric? Or the simplicity of the motifs? I don't know but once I get started on her, I really enjoy her and don't want to put her down. Here's where I am up to:

I was listening to the news yesterday about how in Wales they are going to charge everyone who shops 15p for every plastic bag they use. It got me thinking about string bags and knitted bags and I have been browsing and looking for an easy one to do. The ones I have seen look a bit complicated. If anyone has any good patterns for string bags, let me know. They can't be that hard to make surely?
That's me! Hope you are all well and not melting in the heat.