Thanks for all the lovely, supportive comments you gave me after the last post. It's not post natal depression but other issues that have been going on for a while that have just happened to surface at this time. Mainly rejection stuff that I have suffered from for a long time but hey ho you don't want to hear about all that do you?
So the big news is that Elijah has got his first tooth! It has been confirmed by the Health Visitor that the white lump on the back of his gum is indeed a tooth coming through. She also said that his front gums look "ready to pop" too. So poor guy, that is why he has been niggling so much. He is doing really well in getting into a routine now. We put him down at 7.30 and he has a feed at 11 then goes through till about 5 or 6. Not bad going for a hungry, teething boy! As long as I get some of my time back in the evenings, I don't mind.
So I have been able to get a bit of stitching done. I have been working on Steph's pif but can't let you see that yet. I have done the March challenge on Jayne's attic but not allowed to reveal that yet either! But I have also been working on Patchwork so here's an update on that:

I really enjoy working on this and I aim to get it finished this year. I am just using random threads and silks for it so it will be like a real patchwork of threads.
Something else I have done is booked a workshop that a group from Jayne's attic is going on. It is run by the Bedfordshire school of needlework which is over 3 hours drive away. I have never done anything like this before and I am a little nervous but excited too. It will mean an overnight and possibly a 2 night stay in a hotel.
Here is a link to the workshop I have booked.
It is a drawn thread sampler and I have never done this type of needlework before so should be good. I have booked a friend on it too so I won't be alone. It's not till June so I have time to get organised.
Sorry I have not commented on many blogs lately. If you have had a comment from me then you are in the minority! I have been savouring any free time I have and have been using it to stitch and watch the series 24 with my dh in the evenings! I promise I will get back to commenting soon. Hope everyone had a blessed Easter and bank holiday. Catch up soon. xx