Having no comp must have done my stitching some serious good!!! Look at my progress on DM!!!

I am so close to the finish. If I get this little bit done before the end of this month (by Friday) then that is three pages I have finished in a month and a completion to boot!! Hoorah hoorah!!
So my comp is back up and running so I can spend some time catching up on all your blogs. Thanks to everyone who still commented even though I was not around - it means a lot to know people think of me.
Here is a pic promised of Dawn's gift that she sent me:

What a sweet, kind, thoughtful thing to do. I'm sure he will love the little toys.
We survived the weekend as it was Lily's fifth birthday party. She had a lot of fun and she got loads of presents which was fab as I have just given a load of her toys away. Spent my entire Sunday evening getting dolls out of packaging. I don't understand the need for all those twists, threads, and selotape!! If someone is going to nick the toy they will take the box as well!! No need! We got her a lovely birthday cake and it's not doing my weight any good!
So hopefully when I complete DM this month lol I will have the whole of December to concentrate on my Frosty Friends exchange and the Cross stitcher's lottery. I have to remember to also do the Twilight Shimmer SAL for the second weekend as it's the last one.
We have made a start on turning the pink bedroom into the baby's room. DH undercoated it today and we are going to buy the paint tomorrow. I have chosen a light blue and a beige colour. Once it's painted then I will be able to start washing all the clothes and bedlinen and get it into drawers all nice and ready. Then I might be able to relax a bit! Baby is due 6 weeks tomorrow. January 8th. Unless he tries to maek an early appearance that is.
Going to go and catch up with blog reading. Have a good stitch week. xxx