Here is the fob I sent to Carol for her birthday. I sent some other bits too which you can see on her blog. I didnt't take a picture of the rest of the stash, tut! This was the first fob I ever made and it's slightly different to some of Carol's other fobs in style so thought she might like it for her ever growing collection! I don't appear to own a fob of my own now so think I might make one for myself lol. Maybe I could make one of the "House on a Hill" ones to go with the needlecase I did.
So I have been fairly quiet at the moment. I have been doing some knitting for the new arrival but I'm not very good at it really. My sis says if it doesn't turn out quite right then give it to my dd for her doll!! Cheek! It's not that bad. I'll post some pics when I finish it off and sew it up.
Stitch wise I've been quiet. I have been doing a little on Patchwork but not enough to show progress really. Was very saddened by the death of the designer, Jan Houtman. What a loss to the stitching world. I am trying so hard not to start any new projects and just focus on the ones I have got but I am feeling so uninspired by them at the moment. I have finished a gift but need to send it off first before I can reveal it. I am still waiting for my fabric from Sugar Maple. I think she is having to dye it first as Mindy told me she found the piece of linen I wanted. So I guess she is having to dye it and then it needs to be sent from the US to UK so that will take some time.
So, August Goals:
I haven't set any goals for a while so it might spur me on a bit.
1. Work on Dreaming Mermaid
2. Work on Twilight Shimmer
3. Work on Patchwork
4. Make a fob
5. Possible start Cirque de cirque if fabric is here
6. Work on I am Half Sick of Shadows
7. Make a gift for someone, who? I don't know yet - it could be you!
and I think thats enough for this month. Nothing too taxing there.
Hopefully I will have some more pics next time I post.